Dog Dander Allergy Test


This test is for dog dander allergens. This test will determine if you are allergic to dog dander.

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There is no preparation for this test.
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Collection Method:

Blood Draw
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Sample Type:

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Processing Time:

3-5 days


Dog Dander Allergy Test

Dog Dander Allergy Test


This test is for dog dander allergens. This test will determine if you are allergic to dog dander.

About The Test

Test Overview

A dog dander allergy is an exaggerated immune response to proteins in dog dander, resulting in various allergic symptoms when exposed. Individuals with this allergy should avoid contact with dogs and their dander to prevent these adverse reactions.
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Common symptoms associated with an allergy to dogs can include:
  • Sneezing, runny nose, or nasal congestion 
  • Itchy, red, or watery eyes   
  • Itchy nose, roof of mouth, or throat   
  • Postnasal drip   
  • Cough   
  • Sinus pressure and pain   
  • Frequent awakening   
  • Swollen, dark circles under your eyes   
  • Raised, red patches of skin (hives)   
  • Eczema   
  • Itchy skin
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Test Includes

Dog dander allergen

The dog dander allergen comprises proteins found in the skin flakes (dander), saliva, and urine of dogs.

Understanding Results

If this test confirms you are allergic to dogs, you should follow up with your primary care provider or an allergy specialist.
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